Despite Cold Weather, CSE Community Turns Out For Science on Screen Movie & Lecture
Students turned out to see "The Imitation Game" at the Michigan Theater.

Braving cold and blowing snow, the U-M CSE and local communities turned out in force for a special Science on Screen event at downtown Ann Arbor’s Michigan Theater on the evening of January 8, 2015.
The event featured a screening of the movie, The Imitation Game, followed Prof. Kevin Compton’s lecture on WWII cryptography and the life of Alan Turing. Prof. Kevin Fu was on hand to assist with ticket collection.
Students associated with the division’s CSE graduate program and with its CS and CE undergraduate programs were able to attend the event for a discount with a voucher from CSE. Hundreds turned out, along with faculty, staff, and hundreds more from the local community.
For more information about the event please click here.