Parag Deotare and Zetian Mi are editors of new book: 2D Excitonic Materials and Devices

Parag Deotare and Zetian Mi are co-editors of the new book 2D Excitonic Materials and Devices, which is part of the Semiconductors and Semimetals series published by Elsevier. Deotare and Mi are associate and full professors, respectively, in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
2D Excitonic Materials and Devices covers the most exciting developments in two-dimensional excitonic materials, with a focus on applying the physics that has been developed since the discovery of graphene in 2004. Using 2D excitonic materials to design devices has the potential to revolutionize applications such as mid-infrared spectroscopy, UV LEDs, next-generation lasers, on-chip data communication and processing, and many more. These applications have been left unexplored because of the lack of a material system that could support a mobile exciton at room temperature, as well as the primary focus of researchers on studying and advancing the governing physics of 2D excitonic materials.
“This topic is being considered as a great physics topic,” Deotare explained, “But when I started at Michigan as an electrical engineer, I saw the potential to transform on the applied side. This book is part of our effort towards reaching out to the community and saying, ‘I think we are now at a stage where we can contemplate making products based on these materials that could revolutionize energy generation and consumption. What do we need to do to achieve that?’”
Each chapter of the book was written by world leaders in the field. They span energy spectra including visible light, infrared light, and ultraviolet light, as well as acoustic waves. The first chapters introduce graduate students, researchers, and engineers working in industry to the fundamentals as well as new developments in the field. The book then covers topics in deeper detail, focusing specifically on the excitonic effect of 2D materials.
“Most of the research presented is cutting edge,” said Mi, “and is useful for researchers who just want to know what has been happening in this fascinating field. We cover topics ranging from basics all the way to the state of the art.”
Deotare and Mi added that 2D Excitonic Materials and Devices is a unique book to connect expert authors across different specialties, toward the goal of designing and scaling next-generation semiconductors, microelectronics, and quantum optoelectronics. By bringing together researchers with diverse expertise and raising awareness of the intersections of their work, this book enables the field to progress and encourages innovation.
“I hope the readers see the potential in these material systems and their applications. It’s an area with rich physics leading to potentially disruptive technologies,” said Deotare.