Kevin Fu and Grant Schoenebeck Join the Faculty of CSE @ Michigan

Kevin Fu
Kevin Fu will join the University of Michigan as Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering in January 2013. His research is in the area of trustworthy computing and low-power embedded devices. In addition to systems security, RFID-scale computation, and energy-aware architectures, Dr. Fu’s interests include medical devices and health IT.
Dr. Fu received his PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT in 2005 and is currently Associate Professor of Computer Science at University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Dr. Fu has served as a visiting scientist at the Food & Drug Administration, the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center of Harvard Medical School, and MIT CSAIL, and is a member of the NIST Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board. He previously worked for Bellcore, Cisco, HP Labs, Microsoft Research, and Holland Community Hospital. He is the recipient of a Sloan Research Fellowship, the NSF CAREER award, and best paper awards from USENIX Security, IEEE S&P, and ACM SIGCOMM. Dr. Fu was named MIT Technology Review’s TR35 Innovator of the Year in 2009, and is a Senior Member of the Association for Computing Machinery.

Grant Schoenebeck
Grant Schoenebeck will join the University of Michigan as Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering in September 2012. He has broad interests in theoretical computer science, and his research includes work on using linear and semidefinite programs to approximate NP-complete optimization problems, and computational complexity theory. He is particularly interested in the intersections of computer science with social networks and economics. He applies theoretical computer science approaches to help understand network formation, social network structure, and processes over social networks (such as consensus, information aggregation, and games over networks). Dr. Schoenebeck offers a number of exciting opportunities for expanding Michigan’s research programs in theoretical computer science.
Dr. Schoenebeck received his PhD in Computer Science from University of California, Berkeley in 2010 and is currently a Simons Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Theoretical Computer Science at Princeton University.