Theory of Computation Laboratory

Faculty at the University of Michigan Computer Science and Engineering Division whose work is in combinatorial optimization, data structures, cryptography, quantum computation, parallel and distributed computation, algorithmic game theory, graph theory, geometry, and combinatorics.

Welcome to the Theory Lab

The Theory Group at the University of Michigan conducts research across many areas of theoretical computer science, such as combinatorial optimization, data structures, cryptography, quantum computation, parallel and distributed computation, algorithmic game theory, graph theory, geometry, and combinatorics. We investigate the value of tradeoffs among fundamental resources such as running time, storage space, randomness, communication, and energy, in both the classical and quantum senses.

Meet the people who make up the Theory Lab>

Prospective graduate students

Theory faculty and students work with others from the division, as well as faculty from Mathematics, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering, and elsewhere in the University.

Visit our prospective student page on the CSE website>

Inside CSE’s Theory Lab

Five faculty from the Theory Lab talk about study and research in the area of theory.